

Camera Added in 17ID

Eric Zoellner Wednesday February 20, 2013

An additional web camera has been added in 17ID. The view is of the sample on the goniometer from above. There are now a total of four web cameras in 17ID. The cameras can only be viewed using a web browser opened inside a remote NX session. The url is http://cam17id.imca.aps.anl.gov/ The cameras can also be remotely controlled through the web. Occasionally a camera may get out of focus or position. By opening the single view of the associated camera you will see the controls. The simple fix for any camera is to click the "home" button which will drive the camera to it's initial position and focus. - EZ

On-Axis Sample Camera- improved stability

Lisa Keefe Tuesday February 5, 2013
We determined that repeated insertion/retraction of the cold stream was causing the sample camera to drift out of alignment over time. A new support for the cryojet was built to isolate it from the other beamline components, improving camera stability. Photo.

2013-1 Beamline Startup

Lisa Keefe Thursday January 31, 2013
Beamline Startup Day 3 - completed; user operations on schedule; beam is fully aligned and intensity is optimum; storage ring steering delivered beam at new vertical position which required re-alignment of mono slits.

2013-1 Beamline Startup

Lisa Keefe Wednesday January 30, 2013
Beamline Startup Day 2 - beam alignment is progressing slowly; APS steering tests during machine studies has resulted in alignment difficulties for many beamlines; beam is on sample position, intensities are low but improved from yesterday