

JDirector 2.2.1_imca18 released

J. Lewis Muir Wednesday April 24, 2013

JDirector 2.2.1_imca18 has been released. This update includes several stability fixes as well as other improvements.

  • Made manual diffraction centering stop if the subprocess exits or hangs.
  • Made manual diffraction centering responsive to being stopped in more situations, and improved how it stops the subprocess to decrease the chance of leaving the beamline in an inconsistent state.
  • Improved how the diffraction center step in auto mode executes the diffraction centering subprocess, and added capturing of the standard error output of the subprocess if a failure occurred.
  • Made the diffraction center step in auto mode interruptible. Previously, no steps were interruptible; a job could only be stopped after a step completed. Now a job can be stopped in the middle of a diffraction center step. This is helpful if a diffraction center step hangs. (Of course this should never happen, but if it does, at least now there is a good way to stop it.)