

JDirector 2.2.1_imca45.4 released

J. Lewis Muir Friday May 27, 2016

JDirector 2.2.1_imca45.4 has been released. This update provides improvements and fixes to the instrument setup and auto-mode.

  • The instrument setup (Instrument -> Setup... menu) will now update the Phi position if the "Initialize Goniometer" checkbox is checked. Previously, if the position was changed outside of JDirector and this setup was performed, the position would not be updated in JDirector.
  • If an axis move timeout error is detected, an attempt to resync the positions of the XYZ stage and goniometer axes will be made. This can help avoid certain situations where JDirector and CameraMan think the axes are at different positions than they actually are.
  • The Error Messages dialog now lists errors with a timestamp and in reverse chronological order so that the most recent error is at the top.
  • A new built-in job sample step called VerifyMount has been added which attempts to verify that the mount was successful. In particular, an attempt is made to ensure that a robot collision did not occur during the mount. If a collision may have occurred, the job is aborted. This reduces the chance of a rogue robot job that destroys all the samples by mounting them on top of each other, one after the other, or by failing to mount them in some other way.