

JDirector 2.2.1_imca17 released

J. Lewis Muir Tuesday March 26, 2013

JDirector 2.2.1_imca17 has been released. This update introduces advanced diffraction centering features as well as other improvements.

  • Added diffraction center support for choosing the analysis package (e.g. LABELIT or d*TREK) used for analyzing (including scoring) diffraction center images.
  • Added diffraction center support for configuring the following analysis parameters: high and low resolution cutoff, minimum spot area, and minimum signal height.
  • Made diffraction center raster cells selectable on the result view, and added a detail view showing analysis properties (e.g. spot total, good Bragg candidate total, etc.) for the selected cell.
  • Added diffraction center raster result analysis property drop-down enabling selection of what property is displayed in the raster result view. Previously, a score was displayed. Now the displayed value can be the score, spot total, good Bragg candidates total, or total integrated signal. The score is not exactly the same as before. Before, the score was a scaled score between 0 and 100, but now it is not scaled.
  • Made the generated HTML result file display scores as they appear in the GUI. That is, they are the unscaled scores as displayed in the GUI, not scaled scores between 0 and 100.
  • Changed diffraction center configuration to indicate "None" for an optional value that has been unchecked rather than showing the value grayed out. This better communicates that no value is being specified. For example, if detector distance is unchecked, it now shows "None" for its value, indicating that the detector distance will not be moved.
  • Improved diffraction center configuration descriptive text, labels, layout, and window resize behavior.
  • Improved diffraction center subprocess communication when subprocess terminates prematurely.